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Helping Children Succeed

Prepare the next generation of young learners for success in school and in life.

Your love of PBS may well have started with Mister Rogers.

PBS has long been a leader in providing quality children’s programming. With a special focus on supporting kindergarten readiness, we strive to improve educational outcomes for young children across America.

Over the course of a year, 20 million children watch PBS. Our stations reach more children and moms of young children than any other children’s TV network.

And yet, technology is altering this reach. Children are becoming their own programmers, accessing the content of their own choosing whenever and wherever they are.

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Fred Francois Pool

We're not only adapting to this change--we're leading. You can play a pivotal role in this transition.

PBS KIDS 24/7, for example, extends the reach of traditional broadcast television. This live stream also provides a platform for value-added content, such as interactive games that now accompany selected shows. We know from research that the combination of digital games and video aligned with learning goals accelerates children’s learning.

PBS LearningMedia extends PBS’s valued brand into the classroom, providing more than one million educators each month with free, curriculum-based, digital content.

Your support will help us develop cutting-edge digital resources to enhance learning at home and in the classroom—anywhere, any time.

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